
The #1 Most Popular Beer on Super Bowl Sunday

The delivery service Instacart has conducted a survey of Americans’ beer buying habits and put together a list of the most popular beer that is purchased for Super Bowl Sunday.

According to the survey, 65 percent of people watching the game will enjoy snacks and drinks during the game. It really does make you wonder, who are the 35 percent of people who aren’t enjoying a nice spread during the game? Do they not have friends? Are they on a diet? Are they trapped in an infinite scroll of Instagram Reels during the game and forget to partake in the feast? What exactly are these people doing and should we send someone over to check on them?

The top 5 beers that people prefer are…

5. Corona

There’s nothing like pretending you’re on vacation while splayed out in your Lay-Z-Boy with chicken wing stains on your Bangles jersey.


4. Bud Light Seltzer (you read that right, welcome to 2022)

That’s right, all ready for seltzer pong at halftime with fewer calories. Would your college self approve?


3. Blue Moon

Goes well with the orange-glazed wings and maybe the Cheetos, but does it? According to those polled here, it seems to.


2. Coors Light

The old standby. Looks great in a cooler, in the fridge, being poured into a beer bong. The real impressive feat is that it’s usually sold at a lower price point than the others so when you open the fridge door the sheer volume of cans in the old box should get your guests wondering if they should call at sick on Monday.


1. Modelo Especial

Yeah, we didn’t see this one coming either, but its popularity is on the rise. According to the site VinePair, Modela this “is one of the fastest-growing beers in America.”


What is on your Super Bowl menu? What is your favorite beer?

Of course, if you’re getting ready for the big game don’t forget to get a sampling from Utah brewers. Find a nice list over at the Utah Ale Trail!


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